
Facebook went off the rails when it started censoring people for their political comments. Instead, they should have endorsed freedom of speech, but that’s not what they chose to do. Unfortunate for them and for us. Censorship is not the American way.


Suppressing Free Speech

Ann Coulter

Benjamin Aaron Shapiro

Tucker Carlson

Candace Owen

Paul Joseph Watson

Victor David Hanson

Katie Hopkins

All brilliant.  All talented debaters.  All conservatives.  No wonder the left wants to suppress free speech or label it hate speech, which is the same thing.  I wouldn’t want to debate any of the above either.

But then the left doesn’t really debate, does it?  It just slanders — skillful at slander, not so much at debate.  So debate is a no-go zone.  Down with free speech.

Yet there was a time when free speech and open debate were revered, and just about everyone concurred in their value.

And way back in the 18th century, one can easily imagine the derivation of our 1st Amendment — the occupying British, no doubt, looked down upon any talk about independence from the British Empire, and were eager to suppress it.

My Story



Death of Facebook

Facebook has caved to government pressure over the Russian thing, and now apes the “Liberal” media that wants to shackle free speech as per the idea that hate speech — what they consider hate speech — must be suppressed.  Of course this is miles from real Liberalism that fully backs the 1st Amendment, and abhors any restrictions at all on freedom of speech.

The fake Liberals today don’t really get the sheer beauty of total free speech from the two very mutually exclusive advantages that free speech provides the public: 1) it provides a forum where compelling minority opinions that at first may not hold sway do gain wider endorsement from how compelling and rational their arguments turn out to be, and 2) free speech provides a forum where really despicable ideas are aired publicly and therefore exposed to the light of day, so that they can become the subject of analysis and ultimately be rejected — versus remaining concealed from public view, simmering, and dangerous.

Real old-time Liberals understood all of this.  Now, not even the ACLU does.  Ours could the era when our precious, 1st Amendment free-speech rights are undermined — not by the Right, but by the Left.  Who would have thunk it!!

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