
I’ve been on an antidepressant now for 15 years, but there was a mix-up in renewing the prescription recently, and I had to be off it for 3 days while my providers sent an emergency supply to me. I was very concerned with harsh withdrawal symptoms. Yet what really annoyed me was being so dependent on others for this drug to get to me in a regular way. I didn’t like that dependency at all.

I was bracing for the withdrawal symptoms, but by the end of the 3rd day, I had felt nothing — nada. So when the pills arrived in the mail, I had a decision to make. Do I go back on the medication or do I quite the antidepressant?

It has now been a month without the antidepressant, and all those terrible withdrawal symptoms that they talk about and warn about — none of them happened.

Makes me wonder whether I’ve been taking this antidepressant for the last few years unnecessarily?

Food Addiction