New Yawk


People, A Photographer’s Perspective by Henry Barnard

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New Yorker Cameo


Manhattan, A Photographer’s Journey by Henry Barnard

My Story

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The Scream


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Electromagnetic Pulse

There is a whole class of individuals in the United States who refer to themselves as “preppers.”  They are preparing for major catastrophic events that will bring our civilization to its knees.  They do this by storing a food supply, learning how to actually grow food, having a means to purify water, having a “bug-out bag” of necessary supplies in case they have to leave where they reside, developing anti-home invasion strategies in the event that the hunger-driven mob tries to break into their dwelling to get at their supplies, and generally training how to survive based solely on their own skills and devices.

There are many scenarios that preppers are afraid of, but one in particular keeps surfacing.  It is the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that has the potential to utterly destroy our entire power grid, and make every device with a computer chip inoperable (think your phone, your car, and all those household appliances).  As a result of this total shutdown of our electronic world, a massive EMP would virtually eliminate food distribution as well as end the availability of clean tap water.

The EMP has the potential to destroy our entire power grid because it can cause a complete destruction of the transformers that our power grid currently depends on to operate, and these transformers are complex machinery that are difficult and very expensive to replace, particularly if there is no power.

An EMP can happen one of two ways.  There can be such a massive solar flare that the the Sun causes an EMP on unprotected earth.  There is some evidence that this actually happened to a certain degree in the 19th century when, in all likelihood, it was such a Sun-induced EMP that disrupted a good deal of the telegraph system.  The other possibility is a large nuclear blast high in the atmosphere over the United States.  That also, theoretically, could generate a massive EMP that could take down our entire power grid.

So you would have millions of people in cities without any food or potable water and with no clue how to grow food or find and purify water.  Just imagine the immediate and unavoidable mayhem that would lead to.  The preppers already have and are actively preparing for it.

People have varying opinions about survivalists like the preppers.  Some concede that to take the actions preppers are taking is prudent, while others believe that the preppers are loonies and what they fear can’t possibly happen.  But the trouble with the preppers are loonies argument is that an EMP can happen — it does seem feasible.

However, my issue concerning an EMP event is this: if we know in advance that the transformers upon which our entire electronic civilization is dependent are vulnerable to an EMP, why don’t we focus on developing some kind of technology that would shield them?  You would think we would make every conceivably effort to protect these vital pieces of technology if they are truly the essential underpinning of our entire way of life.  Ditto all the computer chips we put into everything.


EMP Facts

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Making Balloon Critters, Central Park Zoo


People, A Photographer’s Perspective by Henry Barnard

Manhattan, A Photographer’s Journey by Henry Barnard

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Curiosity, Central Park


People, A Photographer’s Perspective by Henry Barnard

My Story

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Grocery Store Checkout Line

When you are into nutritious, plant-based eating, you can’t help but take a peek at what foods other people in the checkout line are buying.  I was really shocked today when I observed what this old man who was just in front of me was buying.  There were no vegetables or fruit at all — zero, none.  He bought a large amount of soda — a six pack of sugared Coke and a dozen of those little bottles of diet Ginger Ale.  There were two large bottles of wine, a loaf of white bread, a quart of ice cream, and a package of chocolates that claimed to contain some peanut butter.  That was it.

The man was only slightly overweight but somewhat stooped, possibly from early onset osteoporosis; his skin was splotchy with rashes on the face; and his thinning hair was lack luster with large clumps of hair missing in odd places on his scalp.

My analysis from the content of these groceries is that he is at least a moderate alcoholic with the purchase of not one but two large bottles of wine — why the need for an extra bottle?  That he buys so much soda indicates that he drinks enough wine to give him serious dehydration, so that he needs all that soda in order to stay hydrated.

A diet based on white bread, ice cream, and candy, albeit with some peanut butter in the candy, is definitely a one-way ticket to anemia, possibly chronic anemia.  The anemia would explain the poor condition of his skin as well as his irregular hair loss.  The fatigue he would feel from chronic anemia as a result of this minimal nutrition would reinforce his alcoholism as an escape — as would resorting to eating ice cream and candy.  Basically, with such low energy from this terrible diet, he may feel so overwhelmed physically that he resorts to alcohol, ice cream and candy as compensation in order to cope.

Clearly, based on this diet alone, the man knows absolutely nothing about nutrition, and so doesn’t realize what he is doing to himself with such an egregious diet.  Here’s a case were ignorance isn’t bliss.

His prognosis: obviously liver disease would be in the cards, but the diet has virtually no anti-oxidants or any of the other cancer-fighting nutrients that one would get from a well-balanced diet, so tumor growth is predictable.  Without much calcium or vitamin D in his diet, his mild osteoporosis, at his age, could accelerate rapidly.

All of the above is because he is completely ignorant about food — what you don’t know can kill you.



My Story



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Stiff Date, West Broadway


Manhattan, A Photographer’s Journey by Henry Barnard

People, A Photographer’s Perspective by Henry Barnard


What do you get for a one dollar contribution? My gratitude.

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Road Rage

You have heard the awful stories recounted many times.  Someone loses control to road rage and shoots and kills another driver or some variation with the same outcome — one man, incensed, murders another, a total stranger, with no reasonable justification.

And our common reaction to this scenario is stark horror that anyone could be so cruel as to willfully murder a perfect stranger that way.  But I would submit the murderer is also a victim here.  The roads are really a disaster lying in wait for the next impatient driver, and we are all that impatient driver — we are all in a hurry to get where we are going fast, and yet the roads are often filled beyond their capacity, particularly at rush hour.  So they are a trap waiting in the wings for all of us — we are all susceptible to being swept away by road rage, this very modern form of demented behavior.

The Roman philosopher and politician Lucius Annaeus Seneca noticed that there was an inordinate amount of anger at the street level in overcrowded Rome.  So he pondered to himself the philosophical question, Why are people so damn angry?  His answer: They do not anticipate difficulties very well, that is, they assume that doing just about everything will be more or less effortless and without problems, which very clearly is often not the case.  Thus the anger.

Fast forward 2,000 years to modern American and its high-speed highways and byways, which are frequently packed with vehicles where slow downs and even total blockages are frequent events.  Add to that mix that there are drivers with very different skill levels and that many drive at reckless speeds, with very reckless tactics.  Needless to say, such a mixture is loaded with potential problems for virtually everyone who gets behind the wheel.

So a word of advice — road rage is not something that impacts only the mentally unstable.  Given just the right set of difficulties and circumstances, it can get under your skin as well because, as Seneca noted, we do not anticipate difficulties very well, and yet our highways and byways are loaded with them, even extremely hazardous ones.  If you drive at all, you are not immune to this modern demented behavior, so don’t assume that you are.

My Story


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