On the Brink

Biden, the neocons in the State Department, and NATO with their aggression pushing the Ukraine proxy war have us on the brink of nuclear war. Providing Ukraine with longer-range missiles that can hit well inside of Russia was the step too far. Ask yourself what the US would do if it were being hit with such long-range missiles? We would retaliate against those countries that provided the missiles.

The woke crowd used to push the narrative that we don’t want Trump’s finger on the nuclear button. Turns out Trump was the peace president who nixed the State Department’s hope for aggression toward Iran. But instead this woke president Biden has brought us to the brink.

We are in an extremely dangerous situation now relative to Russia, and yet all we get from the woke media is silence about that imminent danger. They don’t want you to know. It doesn’t fit the pro-Ukraine, anti-Russia narrative. Proxy wars are supposed to be painless for the West.


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