
Trying to do something about muscle loss in old age. But I’m very late to the game. Now I learn that muscle loss in old age begins in earnest at age 50, and from that point on, one loses 3% of muscle if you do nothing about it. That was 26 years ago without any weight training/resistance training at all — just aerobics, which doesn’t really do much for muscle loss. You have to really stress the muscle to preserve it.

So I’ve joined a gym and am now doing weight training/resistance training every other day — 30 minutes a session, and 10 minutes in their sauna. Discovered early on that you don’t want to do 2 days in a row because you have to give the muscles at least 48 hours to recovery. Will be sore the next day, but that goes down a bit to a tolerable level.

No way I can make up for those lost 26 years of muscle loss, but I don’t want to lose any more and turn into jelly — a feeble and accident-prone old man.

They tell me that weight training/resistance training is also very important for maintaining bone health — plus taking a calcium supplement with Vitamin D before bedtime.

Old age is turning out to be a challenge. You are either up to it or not — your choice.

Weight Control

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